Random Poems of Cat Hartliebe Page 2
Pure unadulterated darkness.
19 The Glass Slipper
(What do you hide behind your glass slipper?)
Hiding behind the thick of it;
Holding out for brightness.
She may be spectactularous,
But who says that it's true.
Can a shoe tell you more?
Can a hand show you scorn?
I think this might be
Something of worth or truth.
She can wear her glass slipper.
She can dance that dance.
I know that she is lying,
But the prince sees it as truth.
We all don the glass slipper.
And we all dance that dance.
How do we know what is true?
How do I even know you?
20 The Water Changes Form
(Be like water.)
The water changes form,
Across the seas
And endless storm.
The water changes form,
From foggy vale to christened bog,
From bubbling brook to mountain tops.
The water changes form:
Ice, and air, and liquid, too,
The ocean’s thundering blaring blue.
The water changes form;
The lakes, rivers stream and bend,
The valleys, forests shift and send.
The water changes form,
And so shall you,
If you allow it to.
21 The Balance Feather
(Be the balance feather.)
Many feathers show us flight;
One thinks of wings and skylines,
But the feather of an ostrich
Would curse you like a grounded plane.
I’ve been on this search for feathers;
The one that means them all;
The fires of the phoenix;
The waters of the penguin;
The earths of the ostrich;
The winds of the sparrow.
I look and search and find no bird;
I look and search and find all birds,
‘Cause every bird has the balance
Of their own distinct tail feathers.
22 The Cycle
(Read through it a few times before you understand the meaning.)
First one, then the other,
Always cycling along.
The Cycle:
Between Good and Evil;
Between Right and Wrong.
Dancing on a limb of faith;
Challenging the winner to fall,
Everything works with this cycle.
The Cycle controls them all.
We are a piece of the puzzle
That the Cycle creates forever more.
We are a part of that confusion,
Whichever part it is.
The Cycle:
Between Life and Afterlife;
Between Birth and Death.
The grace of being apart
Of an amazing piece of tapestry.
The Cycle works for none,
A unique occurrence.
We cannot leave this cycle:
This cycle of Life and Death.
23 (My first two poems ever; please note the amazing skills of a writer to be.)
What are Daddys made of?
What are Daddys made of?
What are Daddys made of?
Muscles and bones and ice cream cones.
That’s what Daddys are made of.
What are Mommys made of?
What are Mommys made of?
What are Mommys made of?
Knees and bleeds and peppermint trees.
That’s what Mommys are made of.
24 (And I will end this with who I think you are…)
About the Author
Let me start with a name: Cat Hartliebe. It is not my real name, as my real name is far too common.
My home has always been just west of the Jersey shore. I call my hometown "the commercial mecha of the Jersey shore". Too far inland to smell the salt water during low tides, but close enough that, if not for dangerous highways, I could ride my bike down to the ocean. During the winter, a short ten minute drive would get me seeing the beautiful blue-green water. During the summer, well… I never went to the shore during the summer; it is not worth the traffic.
I have a bachelor's, but not in writing or anything to do with writing. It is not even a bachelor of arts. I have 20 years of writing as a hobby and many say I am talented. Egotistically I agree, but you may tell me the truth.
At the start of 2013, I wanted to publish before the year was out, but when push came to shove, I let it slide to the back of my mind. Coming upon September of the same year, I decided my goal was not futile. If you are reading this, then you know my goal has been succeeded. I thank you for that.
Whether you spent your hard earned money on this book, or you choose a free one, I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you read until the very end of my story(ies). I would give you a cookie, but I have no idea what you are allergic to.
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